Tuesday, March 15, 2011

SIFF Sims 3 Jeannie Machinima

It's here and uploaded finally!
Check it out!


  1. I actually just did the voty vote thing for the trailers, and Jeannie got one of my thumbs up....so yay time to watch the finished product :D

  2. Thanks Kitty and PK! Also thankyou for voting PK and I hope you enjoyed the final product, its the first machinima that I've made.

  3. Teenage angst!!

    O_o That's your first? Wow.... Wow.

  4. I loved it! Its like a shortened version of Hyp and Fades love story.

  5. @Hush Yep it is my first completed one. The other one I worked on only made it around a minute into the song I was using before I had a mishap with the launcher and accidently deleted all my video and screanshots. (Never delete those from your launcher because it deletes them from their folders too apparently :/ )

    @Hugzies Thanks! I'm going to really miss writing about Hyp and Fade when it switches to Roux. :(

  6. Loved it! so so very much...its very well done for your very first machinima looks like you've been doing it for forever!

  7. That was awesome! Such a sweet story. Well done, I could never do that.
